Intensives and Parent Coaching Sessions

  • Worried that your toddler isn’t talking as much as other kids on the playground? Not sure what kids “should” even be doing at certain ages? Do you desire to confidently support your little one’s speech, language, play and development?

    During the late talker boot camp/ coaching session I will share with you how to take your daily routines and infuse research backed language strategies into your busy life. I will also provide you with a workbook containing milestones, daily routines and language strategies to help guide our session. A screener will take place to guide the session.

    You can choose between 45 minutes to a 2 hour session to best fit your needs. This is ideal if you are not sure if your child needs speech therapy but want the tools to support your child today.

  • Are you a parent of a neurodiverse child or simply wanting to learn how to start (or continue) homeschooling from a strengths based perspective? I would love to help you learn how to craft and shape your day to support their own unique needs based on their interests, strengths and weaknesses. Homeschooling is all about an individualized education and I am certain you are up for the challenge with a little support.

  • Does your child currently have an AAC system or you believe that it could be beneficial to your child? Do you have more questions than answers about how to use it, why you should use it, or “best practices”. Often times if your child is seen at public school or a large therapy practice you will likely have little to no contact with the school/clinic SLP and may not receive any AAC training.

    One of the biggest factors in AAC success (and success giving your child a voice) is parent involvement. I totally get it, AAC can be OVERWHELMING (especially if you are not trained). Let’s chat and we can start from the beginning to give you confidence being an excellent communication partner for your child.

    You can choose between a 45 minute to a 2 hour intensive session. My goal is to teach you how to support your child using AAC in all areas of your life.

Have you been told to “wait and see” if your child’s language “catches up”? Did you know that our brains don’t like the in-between, IT. LEADS. TO. STRESS.

Here’s a better option. Start using research backed language strategies TODAY.

I would love to lead you through easy to use strategies to try in your everyday life and problem solve though your own unique circumstances.

Many people who cannot speak consistently may benefit from AAC. AAC means all of the ways people may communicate other than talking.

It can include, gesturing, pointing or high tech methods such as touching pictures on an ipad which then speaks the message.

Check out these “myth busters” about AAC:

1) There are no pre-requisites to AAC

2) A person cannot be too young

3) Using AAC will not delay spoken language (actually the opposite)

4) A person cannot be “too delayed” to try AAC

AAC could be recommended in these cases:

  • As speech is developing

  • To support speech that is hard to understand

  • When no speech has developed

  • If speech is lost or is deteriorating

  • When speech is temporarily not possible

  • When speech is intermittent or unreliable

“For people without disabilities, technology makes things easier. For people with disabilities, technology makes things possible.”

- Mary Pat Radabaugh.


Where do we meet?

We can meet at your home, a park or somewhere else in the community.

Is there any paperwork I need to complete before the session?

After you contact me I will send you a short form asking what type of session you need (Late Talker Bootcamp, AAC Intensive or Homeschool Consult), your primary concerns or questions and payment information.

Can you help me program my child’s AAC device during this time?

Yes, I can definitely walk you through best practice regarding grid size, how to add vocabulary and use different features on the device.

Can I sign up for more than one session for ongoing support?

Yes! I offer ongoing support

Can I sign up for a session if my child is seen somewhere else for therapy but I am not receiving any parent coaching?

Absolutely! In many situations parents have little to no contact with their speech therapist. If your child receives speech through the school you may only speak to the therapist once or twice a year. If you attend therapy at a large clinics you may only speak to the therapist for 1 or 2 minutes at the end of the session.

Does insurance cover parent coaching sessions?

Unfortunately insurance does not cover parent coaching. I accept credit/hsa cards.

How long are coaching sessions?

Sessions are 45 minutes up to 2 hours

How much is a coaching session/intensive/bootcamp?

Each session is currently $95 for 45 minutes, $115 for 1 hour, $230 for 2 hours