Let’s Get Started…But First:

Let’s make sure we are a good fit for each other. Boutique style speech therapy is centered around the value that connection and authenticity is central to care. In home or school care is a model that focuses on getting to know the parents, siblings, teacher, other professionals as valued members of the care team. I keep my caseload small in order to have the time to truly invest with the dedicated families I see.

I will work with you as the parent to help you identify what’s already working and where we might need to make changes in your daily routine. I help parents and teachers make small changes in their environment to create increased communication opportunities. By getting to know you and your family I can provide truly individualized care that you simply cannot expect from a large clinic.

When I am invited into your home I want you to understand that I “get it”. I have 3 little kids of my own and you won’t be getting any judgement from me! Simply fill out the form below and I would love to help get your little one communicating!


1) Private Pay

*I encourage you to check your insurance deductible, copay and coverage for speech therapy. Often people want to use their insurance but in many cases it is as much or more than private pay. I accept some Medicaid plans and private pay.

  • Birth -3 Evaluations- $175*

    Ages 3 and up- $225*

    *Travel Radius

    -If you have had an evaluation completed within the last 6-9 months OR your child has a current IEP, a treatment plan can be created using that information.

  • 30 minute sessions- $75

    45 minute sessions- $95

    1 hour sessions- $115

    *Travel radius

    *If you would like to apply session fees to your out of network deductible call your insurance to ensure they participate and a superbill will be provided.

  • 45 minute sessions- $95

  • $115 an hour (choose a single hour or multiple hours over one day or up to 2 weeks)

2) ESA Grant Provider

  • North Carolina’s Education Student Accounts (ESA+) program is available to meet the needs of students with disabilities. Funds may be used to pay expenses such as speech therapy.

    The $9,000-$17,000 annual award is eligible to children with an IEP through the public school. IEP’s can start at age 3.

    Check out their website to learn how to apply. https://www.ncseaa.edu/k12/esa/

3) Scholarships

  • Kids With Possibilities


    Channing’s Joy Foundation

    Bethany’s Butterflies

    Small Steps In Speech Therapy

    Abby’s Helping Hand

    Danielle’s Foundation

    ACT Today Grant

    Family First Program: National Autism Association- Helping Hand Program

    Maggie Welby Foundation

    Maggie’s Hope

    United Healthcare Children’s Foundation

  • You can often use funds for a variety of options such as:

    AAC Intensive (longer sessions 1-2 hours at a time for 1-3 weeks)

    Parent coaching sessions

    Evaluations or therapy sessions.

Let’s work together.

Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly! You can also email me or DM me for general questions.

email: hello@homefrontspeech.com

Insta: @homefrontspeech

We can't wait to hear from you!